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Morphine to Heroin conversion - If you wish to do this synth from codiene, then see the second post of this thread and then start where appropriate. If you have ever
Hi there, I am trying to detox from Codeine ( Neurofen Plus, 200mg Ibruprofen & 12.8 mg Codeine) Untill now i have been failing miserably, taking anything up to 96
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Help U Sell Locations What is the street value of 10 mg of.
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RFC 1 - Host Software go to the weed house buy a duece and powe it up in some sprite and then get some styrofoam cups wiht ice from sonic and then drink it up
How can I get prescribed prometh/codiene any thing I can say or do to get some.No one has it or sell it where i'm from.
Ever wonder how to sell $100,000 worth of drugs in a week? We learned the secrets of a drug dealer in NYC - a man who will deliver any substance you want
Tips on getting prescribed.
20.05.2009 · Best Answer: First ask your self the street value of a good attorney. Ask yourself the value of a college education because if you get caught selling drugs
How to Sell Drugs - YouTube
promethizene codiene how do u sell it